Personal Promises From God’s Word


The most requested book ever published by the Rex Humbard Foundation is Personal Promises From God's Word. During your hours of deepest need and greatest trials, it has been and will always be God's Holy Word that will help you through every occasion. The Bible remains true and sure. It is an anchor for our souls and we can depend on it and the scriptures contained in its pages.

You can go into any Christian bookstore and find shelves full of books telling you how to solve problems, but in your hours of greatest trial and times of deepest need, we have found there is only one book that can help you overcome: the Bible.

Because God's Holy Word is so important in our daily lives, we have prepared Personal Promises From God's Word to help you find the Biblical answers to the questions and problems you may be facing in your life.

This book, Personal Promises from God Word, has over 178 organized topics that you face each and every day in your life and gives you the exact scriptures to solve those problems and help you overcome.



Topics include
How to deal with depression
What do you do when you feel lonely
How to overcome fear
What do you do to handle sickness of you or your loved one
How to know God’s perfect will and plan for your life.
How to Prayerfully handle the lose of a loved one ETC.
How to pray for an unsaved love one or friend.

This high quality book can be yours for a gift of $20 plus S&H.
In bookstores much more money.
We will mail the day we receive your order.

Great for Christmas gifts. Anniversaries. Birthdays. Easter. Graduation. Order as many as you would like.
Go now to the store page on our Web Site and look under Books to order you Personal Promises.
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